Check out this track Kevin and I produced, it's called "PR GIRLS" and we call ourselves the DELI BOYS, hope you likes...
Music Video coming this Summer.
IDEA: It talks about the large boot, small dog, fancy bag culture that has taken over the city streets across our nation. We recognized a type of girl that was repeatedly emerging from the deep jungles of urban culture. Owning the street with their over-priced bags, they developed their own language of terms by using weird melodic lisps and slurs. These women, no matter if they were in the Public Relations field or not, were dubbed "PR Girls". This term catapulted the idea of writing and producing this song. We hopes you like.
ARTIST: The Deli Boys (Kevin Denton and Jeremiah Vancans)
SONG: "PR Girls"
ALBUM: Gucci Sues the Deli Boys
RELEASE DATE: “Gucci Sues the Deli Boys” EP out in the fall of 2012.
All production done by The Deli Boys with additional vocals from Mira. Check out some of the music I produced for her HERE.
Denton in Blue...
Lets get an amazing brunch, Where did you get those boots, Where does he work?
1st VERSE:
Gucci couture boots and bags, yo those big ass glasses are so damn rad,
The first thing she said was what do you do, So I texted OMG I’m in PR too.
Let’s go to Marc Jacobs we can bring your Chihuahua, I prefer the Golden Doodle, not Taco Bells messiah,
She started getting flirty after 3 mimosas, Once I flashed the platinum card she slid in closah.
Then she winked at me and said watcha wanna do, Like totally shopping on 5th Avenue.
Look at that slut, those boots are so last season, she says buy me a pair I say give me a reason.
As I’m payin the bill she says I look like McDreamy, I like my latte hot, sweet, thick and creamy
So we roll into Starbucks it cost me 30 dollah, I’ll get her caffeinated, and then make her holla
PR Girls you soft rock my world, and your cold ass fashion, got me stone cold cashin,
In my indie cred so I can make da bread, you all like pigeons when it comes to bread.
2nd VERSE:
Call Mori Moto for a reservation, yo so long as that booty is adjusted for inflation
Equinox, 7 Days a week, Cause when we’re in the Hamptons, you need a beach bod or you’ll find yourself campin.
I’ll pitch you a tent, I’ll buy you some boots, then I’ll make you some ramen, cause I got mad loot.
I know it’s Sunday morning and I promised you brunch,
but for you it’s walk of shame, cause you just got Punked.
20 million downloads, put you in a video.
You thought it was sexy, licking dog shit off manolo’s.
Rolled up 20 and a bottle of goose, that’s what it took to get you loose.
PR Girls you won’t say no, so come on shake that thing some more.
Oh I totally know those girls, totally, totes.
What fashion show did you go to Marc Jacobs, oh that line was crazy,
Do you think you’re more like a Miranda or Carrie,
Carrie Bradshaw is a PR Girl, TOTES…
This track has heavy 808's, vocoded voices, smart funny lyrics and a beat to bounce to...For the video we walked small dogs around Manhattan and visited all the top brands as well as some deli shops.
The Music Video for "PR GIRLS" is coming out this Summer, as well as our first EP called "Gucci Sues The Deli Boys". All of these will all be available on iTunes and digitally around the world. We encourage you to send our songs to your friends.
“Carrie Bradshaw would totally like this track”-Jeremiah
“Yeah totes, its perf”-Kevin